I am currently an Associate Professor at the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science (AMSS) of CAS. Before that, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Mathematics at Bielefeld University. To learn more about my education and professional experience, please review my cv.
Research Interests:
- Stochastic analysis.
- Markov processes.
- Nonlocal operators.
My papers on Google Scholar.
Working papers and preprints:
- Zhang, X., Zhao, G.
Heat kernel and ergodicity of SDEs with distributional drifts.
- Zhang, X., Zhao, G.
Dirichlet problem for supercritical nonlocal operators.
- Zhao, G.
Stochastic Lagrangian Flows for SDEs with rough coefficients.
- Röckner, M., Zhao, G.
SDEs with critical time dependent drifts: strong solutions.
- Luo, D., Tang, B., Zhao, G.
An elementary approach to mixing and dissipation enhancement by transport noise.
- Luo, D., Xie, B., Zhao, G.
Quantitative estimates for SPDEs on the full space with transport noise and $L^p$-initial data.
- Röckner, M., Zhang, D., Zhao, G.
Stochastic differential equation with endpoint critical Lorentz drift and its applications.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
- Hu, E., Zhao, G.
Lévy-type operators with low singularity kernels: regularity estimates and martingale problem.
Mathematische Annalen, to appear.
- Chen, Z. Q., Hu, E., Zhao, G.
Dirichlet heat kernel estimates for rectilinear stable processes.
Journal of Functional Analysis.
- Li, Y., Zhao, G.
Euler–Maruyama scheme for SDE driven by Lévy process with Hölder drift.
Statistics & Probability Letters.
- Zhao, G.
Existence and Uniqueness for McKean-Vlasov equations with singular interactions.
Potential Analysis.
- Röckner, M., Zhao, G. (2023)
SDEs with critical time dependent drifts: weak solutions.
Bernoulli, 29(1), 757-784.
- Zhao, G. (2022)
SDEs with random and irregular coefficients.
Revista Matemática Iberoamericana, 38(3), 947-980.
- Ling, C., Zhao, G. (2022)
Nonlocal elliptic equation in Holder space and the martingale problem.
Journal of Differential Equations, 314(25), 653-699.
- Chen, Z. Q., Zhang, X., Zhao, G. (2021)
Supercritical SDEs driven by multiplicative stable-like Lévy processes.
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 374(11), 7621-7655.
- Zhao, G. (2021)
Regularity properties of jump diffusions with irregular coefficients.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 502(1), 125220.
- Zhang, X., Zhao, G. (2021)
Stochastic Lagrangian path for Leray solutions of 3D Navier-Stokes equations.
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 381(2), pp. 491-525.
- Xia, P., Xie, L., Zhang, X., Zhao, G. (2020)
Lq (Lp)-theory of stochastic differential equations.
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 130(8), 5188-5211.
- Jia, C., Zhao, G. (2020)
Moderate maximal inequalities for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 148, 3607-3615.
- Zhao, G.# (2019)
Weak uniqueness for SDEs driven by supercritical stable processes with Holder drifts.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 147, 849--860.
- Zhang, X., Zhao, G. (2018)
Singular Brownian diffusion processes.
Communications in Mathematics and Statistics, 6(4), 533-581.
- Ren, Y., Yang T., Zhao, G. (2014)
Conditional limit theorems for critical continuous-state branching processes.
Science China Mathematics, 57, 2577–2588.
- Spring 2024: Stochastic Differential equations.
- Spring 2025: Stochastic Differential equations.
Add: No. 55, Zhongguancun East Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100190
Office: Room 722, Siyuan Building • Tel: 010-82541214
Email: gzhao@amss.ac.cn
Copyright © 2024, Guohuan Zhao.